
admin 48 2024-10-23 15:41:10

  Noah,the A-League season is almost over, what has been the highlight for you so far?诺亚,澳超赛季马上就要结束了,你认为目前为止澳超本赛季的高光点在哪美国男子排球队豪取八强胜利舞台

  Sydney FC winning their second everA-League title, of course.星空体育 Hopefully they can go on to win the Finals as well.



  In terms of entertainment, the last week ofthe season was definitely the highlight. The CubeGoal Derby was won by PerthGlory 5-4 against Melbourne City, featuring this goal:


  Also, last week, I saw Rick on TV. He is adiehard Melbourne Victory fan, he even stays until the 90th minuteof their meaningless final match against Central Coast Mariners




  Whatwill CubeGoal’s Australian Reporters be doing to cover the Finals?足球魔方澳超的情报师们在季后赛有何打算?

  All five of us will be giving our tips forevery match! So if you pay for my tip for today’s Brisbane Roar v WesternSydney Wanderers match, you won’t just see my prediction – you will seepredictions from Rick, Matt, Liam and Sacha as well. You can get the power offive brains instead of just one.


  Whodo you think will win the Finals?你认为谁会在季后赛笑到最后?


  As a Sydney FC fan, I am very nervous. Wehave been so dominant in the league this season, winning by 17 points,achieving a record points total, it would be a huge disappointment if we failedto win the Finals. But that is the sort of thing that happens in sport. Itwould be like the time New England Patriots went unbeaten all season and thenlost in the Superbowl, and I am very scared this will happen to Sydney FC.


  My prediction is that Brisbane Roar willwin the playoffs. They are the team I fear the most. We have shown that we caneasily beat Victory, City and Perth Glory, but Brisbane challenged us the mostin our matches with them. They have the ability to beat big teams away fromhome, they are in decent form, and I think they are the team most likely tostop us.





